My Story

Hello, I’m Jessica. Your Therapist Business Coach! I’m the expert at teaching therapists to get private pay therapy clients.

I’m here to help you grow your therapy practice and live your dream life!

Hi, I’m Jessica

I'm an LCSW & business strategist teaching ambitious and burnt out therapists how to fill their practice with private pay clients and build the business of their dreams. If you are sick of dealing with insurance companies, or struggling to get private pay clients on your schedule, I'm here to help you. I teach everything from starting or growing your private pay practice, showing yourself as an expert in your niche, how to build an SEO friendly website, get private pay clients to find you, and continue to grow your therapy practice beyond your wildest dreams.

My Success Journey

I started a private pay practice and filled my caseload up within 4 months, and then hired 5 other therapists within the next 7 months. My group practice is always growing and we get several new full fee, private pay clients every single week! Watching my income rise every month has been empowering, especially as a single mom. It has allowed me to provide a wonderful life for my daughter and support other therapists in achieving their financial goals while delivering top-quality care to our clients.

Empowering Others

My biggest mission is to help empower other therapists like you to get more private pay clients and fill up your caseload! I want you to be able to have freedom in your life, make more money than you ever thought possible, and impact so many people along the way. I have created an expert strategy on how to quickly fill your therapy practice with private pay clients and create a sustainable business so you can live the life you've always dreamed of!

Living my Dream Life

Being able to grow my thriving group practice has allowed me the freedom and flexibility in my life I have always wanted. I have a sweet 4 year old daughter and I love spending time going on fun adventures with her. I also love to work out and be active, spend time outside, read books, travel, and spend time with friends and family. I love growing myself and as well as empowering anyone around me to become the best version of themselves and live their dream life.

Want to Get More Private Pay Therapy Clients?

Work with other ambitious therapists in The Therapist Private Pay Accelerator!

Free Download

of 3 Simple Steps to Get More Private Pay Clients

Are you wanting to get more private pay clients? Download my FREE worksheet on 3 Simple Steps to get more private pay clients.